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Engineering geological monitoring to ensure the stability of landslide slopes in the conditions of transport construction


Exploitation of landslide-prone escarpments of middle safety factor, or in a state of limiting equilibrium can lead to a crash when changing the seismic and hydro-geological situation. In this connection it is necessary to develop recommendations for the deployment of a network of information collection points hydrogeomechanical c monitoring high density for rapid notification of reaching the critical water level and management decisions to strengthen the slope.

About the Authors

V. V. Cheskidov
Russian Federation
Associate professor

A. I. Manevich
laboratory of geodynamics Geophysical Center RAS
Russian Federation
junior researcher


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For citations:

Cheskidov V.V., Manevich A.I. Engineering geological monitoring to ensure the stability of landslide slopes in the conditions of transport construction. Mining Science and Technology (Russia). 2016;(1):51-57.

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