
Gornye nauki i tekhnologii = Mining Science and Technology (Russia)

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Optimization of calculation of parameter of the frequency model zonal destruction of rocks


An overview of the new, the most significant results in the field of mining research based on the use of non-Euclidean continuum model to describe the distribution of the stress field around the development of circular cross-section. The question of the accuracy of calculation of the parameters of the models constructed and compared with field experiments. Considered separately taken model parameter frequency zonal fracture rock mass around deep development of circular cross section. Selecting this option justified its prognostic significance for solving problems in the study of mining deposits. A comparative analysis of analytical and numerical determination of this parameter with the field data of two independent fields. The technique is described and sharing analytical and numerical approach, depending on the task on the test field.

About the Authors

L. S. Ksendzenko
Far Eastern Federal University
Russian Federation

Associate Professor of the Department of algebra, geometry and analysis

A. S. Losev
Institute of Applied Mathematics, Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation
Senior Researcher


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For citations:

Ksendzenko L.S., Losev A.S. Optimization of calculation of parameter of the frequency model zonal destruction of rocks. Gornye nauki i tekhnologii = Mining Science and Technology (Russia). 2016;(2):43-49.

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