Substantiation of performance indicators of mine monorail locomotives
Mine transport is an integral part of mining process. The performed analysis of modern monorail autonomous locomotives indicates that this type of underground auxiliary transport is the most promising today due to a number of advantages that were identified in this study. To assess performance indicators of mine monorail locomotives, a number of characteristics are currently used, for instance, the dependences between several parameters of propulsion system operation. The type of characteristic is determined by an independent variable to be selected from the list of the operational or design parameters. To substantiate performance indicators of autonomous mine suspended monorail locomotives, the authors proposed the relationship between the characteristics of the traction energy chain equipment and the diesel locomotive propulsion system efficiency factor. To assess the efficiency of mine suspended monorail locomotive operation, a composite indicator for assessing efficiency of various types of traction was proposed: the operational efficiency factor. This indicator takes into account varying the efficiency factor of the energy chain units depending on their operating modes. When determining the functional dependencies of varying the efficiency factor of power and auxiliary units of monorail locomotives, a grouping of the main parameters according to the features depending on the economic characteristics of the propulsion system and its operating modes was proposed. The operational efficiency factor of the locomotive as a whole is determined both by the economic characteristics of all units of its energy chain and by the modes of their operation.
About the Authors
K. A. RyabkoUkraine
Konstantin A. Ryabko – Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty
V. O. Gutarevich
Viktor O. Gutarevich – Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Transport Systems and Logistics named after I. G. Shtokman,
Scopus ID 55633624800
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For citations:
Ryabko K.A., Gutarevich V.O. Substantiation of performance indicators of mine monorail locomotives. Mining Science and Technology (Russia). 2021;6(2):136-143. (In Russ.)