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Modeling of power consumption of ball mill


The possibility of predicting energy consumption for ball mill concentrator when implementing intelligent forecasting system. Compiled model to determine the power consumption of the electric drive of a ball mill. The modeling work mill with no load and during grinding the ore. The simulation results are confirmed by instrumental measurements motor power at various modes of operation of the mill. The proposed model for determining the power consumption of a ball mill allows an assessment of the efficiency of electric energy consumption and electric mills identify qualitative indicators of regulatory systems in the implementation of intellectual electricity forecasting system at the processing plant, to control the schedule of load; forecast production cycles and peak power values; redistribute the load and analyze changes in the mill operation.

About the Authors

N. M. Kuznetsov
Centre for Physical and Technological Problems of Energy in Northern Areas of Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Candidate of Engineering Science, Leading Researcher

Russia, 184209, Apatity, Murmansk region, md. Akademgorodok, 21A

I. N. Morozov
Murmansk Arctic State University
Russian Federation

Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor

Russia, 183038, Murmansk, Kapitan Egorov Str., 15


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For citations:

Kuznetsov N.M., Morozov I.N. Modeling of power consumption of ball mill. Mining Science and Technology (Russia). 2016;(4):50-61. (In Russ.)

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