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Electric supply of underground consumers of deep energy-intensive mines


The increase in the capacity of cleaning and construction vehicles for high-capacity and energy-intensive mines calls for an increase in the supply voltage of cleaning and tunneling combines, as well as transport systems: from a voltage of 660 V switched to 1140 V, and now to 3300 V. This allows improving technical and economic indicators for clearing and access areas, as well as improving the reliability of local Power Supply Systems (PSS). However, this trend prevents the supply of underground electric networks with a voltage of 6 kV, in connection with which the problem arises of increasing the voltage of supply networks. To date, it has become possible to apply the 10 kV voltage to the operation, which is most acceptable for the use of electrical equipment for electrical networks and protection devices. Leading educational, research and design organizations were engaged in research on this issue. An analysis of the results of the research showed that switching to 10 kV voltage is justified and timely. At the same time, 35 kV voltage is not removed from the agenda, which is technically feasible and economically justified, but there are problems with the safety of its operation in underground workings, which requires appropriate refinement. This level of voltage will improve the quality of electricity. Conclusions: 1. Application of 35 kV voltage in the underground power supply system of coal and ore mines is advisable at a depth of more than 1000 m with a maximum load of at least 1000 kVA at the level of the stem cables. 2. Application of 35 kV voltage in underground electrical networks will allow to significantly improve the quality indicators of voltage, reliability, and economy of the system due to the current unloading of the most important element of SES, such as stem cables. 3. Analysis of the main parameters and characteristics of electrical mine electrical equipment gives reason to believe that it allows implementing a trend of 35 kV deep input to deep horizons of mines (mines) and placement of 35/6 kV substations on working horizons.

About the Author

F. P. Shkrabets
National Mining University

Head of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources, Dr. Sci. (Tech.)

Address: 49000, Ukraine, Dnipro, Olesya Gonchara str., 4А


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For citations:

Shkrabets F.P. Electric supply of underground consumers of deep energy-intensive mines. Mining Science and Technology (Russia). 2017;(3):25-46. (In Russ.)

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