
Gornye nauki i tekhnologii = Mining Science and Technology (Russia)

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Equivalent relationships between indicators of underground mining of ore deposits


In connection with development of underground mining method and the need to combine the principles of resource saving and natural environment protection, the indicators of the cost/environmentally-effective ore mining techniques need to be understood. It becomes necessary to rank the development indicators for a particular deposit. The mining effectiveness criterion in terms of completeness of subsoil resource use becomes the research objective, with ranking indicators of underground mining effectiveness. The problem solution includes modeling of a method parameters using mathematical programming methods with target functions to find a compromise optimum of mining performance indicators in the framework of a dynamic model for managing production processes. The experimentally obtained dependences of profit on dilution, operating costs, and ore losses at all mining stages are given. The quantitative indicators of ore losses and dilution by hosting rocks, rocks inside an ore body, a stoping worker labor productivity, a block productivity, and labor productivity of a worker in mining shop are given. The results of economic and mathematical modeling of development method options with different proportions of technological void backfilling are presented. An assessment of the development options for specific metal deposit is given by comparing the optimum values of the target functions. Compensation of dilution in the ore beneficiation stage has been proven to have the most significant effect on costs. It is concluded that the main condition for increasing ore deposit development efficiency is reducing losses and dilution of ores, including through optimization based on mathematical modeling with balancing quantitative and qualitative performance indicators of a deposit development.

About the Authors

Vladimir I. Golik
North-Caucasian mining and metallurgical Institute
Russian Federation

Dr. Sci. (Tech.) 

44, str. of Cosmonaut Nikolayev, Vladikavkaz, Russia, 362021 

Yury V. Dmitrak
North-Caucasian mining and metallurgical Institute
Russian Federation

Dr. Sci. (Tech.) 

44, str. of Cosmonaut Nikolayev, Vladikavkaz, Russia, 362021 

Sergey V. Borshevsky
Donetsk National Technical University

Dr. Sci. (Tech.) 

58, Artema str., Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic, 83001


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For citations:

Golik V.I., Dmitrak Yu.V., Borshevsky S.V. Equivalent relationships between indicators of underground mining of ore deposits. Gornye nauki i tekhnologii = Mining Science and Technology (Russia). 2018;(1):38-45. (In Russ.)

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