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Nikolae ILIAS

Date, place of birth: born on August 30, 1935 in Romania. Currently Nicolae lives in Petrosani (Romania).

Place of work, position: professor-consultant and supervisor of doctoral students at the University of Petrosani (Romania).

Post graduate degree, academic status: Doctor of Engineering, Professor.

Nicolae’s areas of professional interest include complex powering of coal mining, development of methods for designing, testing, and selection of mining equipment, innovative solutions in the field of mining operation powering, creation of economic and mathematical models for estimation of mineral resources.

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7514-0129

Scopus ID: 6602322085

Web of Science Researcher ID: P-2065-2018

Research & professional development:

  • 1959 – 1960 – Universitary assistant – Mining Institute of Petrosani (MIP);
  • 1961 – 1964 – Postgraduate student – Sankt Petersburg;
  • 1964 – 1967 – Seminaries Coordinator – Mining Institute of Petrosani (MIP);
  • 1967 – 1973 – Associate Professor – MIP;
  • From 1973 to present time – Professor – Mining Institute of Petrosani;
  • From 1973 – Scientific coordinator for doctor’s degree;
  • 1965 – 1972 – Vice-Dean of Mining Department – MIP;
  • 1967 – 1968 – Dean of Mining Department – MIP;
  • 1972 – 1980 – Dean of Electromechanic Department – MIP;
  • 1985 – 1990 – Mining Machine Department Coordinator – MIP;
  • 1990 – 2004 – Rector of University of Petrosani;
  • 2004 – 2005 – President of University of Petrosani
  • Currently – Professor-consultant and scientific coordinator for doctor’s degree.

 Academic and professional communities:

  • Member of the Academy of Sciences of several countries: Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania and President of the Department of Petroleum, Mines, and Mining Engineering; Academy of Mining Sciences of the Russian Federation; Brazilian Academy of Sciences and Culture; Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation and President of the Romanian Branch of the Academy; Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine and President of the Romanian Branch of the Academy; Balkan Academy of Mining Sciences and others;
  • Staff Expert of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education;
  • Expert of scientific projects in the country and abroad;
  • International expert of several universities;
  • Member of professional and scientific international organizations: International Committee for Organizing World Mining Congresses, Mining Instructor Society, et al.;
  • Member of editorial board in several journals in Romania and abroad;
  • Doctor Honoris Causa in a number of Universities of Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, and Romania.


  • Medals and Orders of Romania: National Order «Steaua Romaniei» (The Star of Romania) in the rank of Commander; «Patriarchic Cross» and other;
  • National and international awards for scientific research and invention activity;
  • Gold medals, Honoris Causa Certificates, Excellence Certificates in several countries (Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, France, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Mexico, USA, Morocco, Monaco, Iran, Turkey, Italy, Germany, etc.).

Author and co-author of more than 500 monographs, textbooks, scientific works and papers published in more than 20 countries. Author and co-author of over 20 inventions.


Books / Handbooks / Monographs / Brochures:

  • Offenberg Iulian, Iliaș Nicolae,  Radu Sorin Mihai. Geoecologie și Geotehnologii, Editura AGIR, 2019.
  • Radu S. M., Romanovskiy O., Ilias N., Ponomaryov O., Fratila C. O., Hura Т., Ilias I. T., Reznik S. LEADERSHIP and education, science and business management efficiency. Monograph. AGIR Publishing House, 2020;
  • Iliaș N., Radu S. M., Serafinceanu A. Industria minieră din România. Trecut, prezent şi scenarii pentru viitor. Editura AGIR, 2020;
  • Radu S. M., Iliaș N. Construcția de echipamente, mașini și instalații pentru procese industriale. Vol. V (Partea II-a), subcap. 13.3. Contribuții ale Universității din Petroșani. Editura AGIR, 2019;
  • Fodor D., Iliaș N., Țîștea D. Mecanizarea în exploatările miniere la zi, Editura Tehnică București, 1978; 511 pag;
  • Radu S. M., Tovajhnyanskiy L., Iliaș N., Andraș I., Roșioru I. Pedagogia managementului, vol. III, Editura Universitas, Petroșani, 2016, 233 pag;
  • Radu S. M., Iliaș N., Bușe F., Serafinceanu A. C., Romanovskyi A., Ponomarev A. Strategic Management of a FIRM, AGIR Publishing House, 2018;
  • Iliaș N. ș.a. Construcția de echipamente, mașini și instalații pentru procese industriale, Vol. IV. Cap. 2. Mașini și echipamente pentru industria minieră (161 pag.), Editura AGIR, 2018;
  • Radu S. M., Iliaș N., Bușe F., Frățilă O. C. Iliaș Tiberia, Bușe Gh. F., Bălan G. Strategic management practices in the field of human resources. Impressum Publishing House, Chișinău, 2018;
  • Curtu I., Stanciu M. D., Ilias N. T. Epopeea lemnului in cultura si civilizatie – (The epic of wood in culture and civilization), chapter of book Planeta Pamant vol II, Ed. AGIR, Bucuresti, 2015, 26 pagini (p. 310 – 333) (capitol carte);
  • Iliaș N., Șomlo, S., Gruneanțu, I. Mașini miniere. Probleme. Lit. Institutului de Mine Petroșani, 1981;
  • Iliaș N., Magyary, A., Țîștea, D. Instalații electromecanice ale exploatărilor miniere la suprafață, vol I, Editura Didacticăși Pedagogică, 1980; Carte reeditatăîn 1982, 132 pag;
  • Popa A., Lețu, N., Iliaș N., Simionescu A. Manualul inginerului de mine, vol. III, Secțiunea A, Săparea și susținerea lucrărilor miniere, Editura Tehnică București, 1987, 157-579 pag;
  • Iliaș N., Kovacs I., Koronka F., Gruneanțu I., Radu S. M., Andraș I. Manualul inginerului de mine, vol.IV, secțiunea XXII – Mașini miniere, Editura Tehnică București, 1988, 348-567 pag;
  • Zamfir V., Iliaș N., Andraș, I. Mecanisme. Îndrumar de proiectare, Lit. Institutului de Mine Petroșani, 1988, 180 pag;
  • Iliaș N., Kovacs, I., Gruneanțu, I. Mașini miniere pentru subteran, Lit. Institutului de Mine Petroșani, 1989;
  • Iliaș N.Kovacs I.,Gruneanțu I. Mașini miniere pentru cariere, Lit. Institutului de Mine Petroșani, 1989;
  • Iliaș N., Zamfir V., Kovacs I., Andraș I, Gruneanțu I., Radu S. M., Radu, O. Mașini miniere - exemple de calcul, Editura Tehnica București, 1993, 350 pag;
  • Zamfir V., Iliaș N, Andraș I. Susțineri mecanizate miniere, Editura Tehnică, București, 1993, 250 pag;
  • Popa A., Iliaș N., Gruneanțu I., Onica I., Radu S. Metode și tehnologii de exploatare a zăcămintelor de substanțe minerale utile, Editura Didacticăși Pedagogică, București, 1996;
  • Achim M., Iliaș N., Magyari A. Dislocarea hidromecanică a cărbunilor și rocilor, Editura Tehnică, București, 1997;
  • Iliaș N. ș.a. Current developments in mine haulage and hoisting, Publishing House of Belgrade Univerșity of Mining and Geology, 1997;
  • Kovacs I., Iliaș N., Nan M. S. Regimul de lucru al combinelor miniere, Editura UNIVERSITAS, 2000;
  • Iliaș N., Andraș I., Serafinceanu A., Gruneanțu I., Radu S. M. Noutăți în susținerea abatajelor, Editura Universitas, 2001; ISBN 973-8035-86-4, 200 pag;
  • Tovajhnyansky L., Romanovskiy A., Ponomariov A., Iliaș N., Ceaușu I., Dima N., Andras I., Gâf-Deac I., Radu S. M., Flesher A. Introduction in the management philosophy and praxis, Universitas Publishing House, Petroșani, 2004, 242 pg.
Published scientific articles:
  • Ilias N., Dunca E., Offenberg I., Teseleanu G., Predoiu I. Elements of geoecological environmental audit and accounting. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin, 2021, 3(1), 359–371,;
  • Arad V., Iliaş N., Arad S., Ticu M., Popa L., Drăgan D. Research on storage of energy in underground caverns. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin, 2021, 3(1), 350-358.;
  • Stanciu M. D., Sova D., Savin A., Ilias N., Gorbacheva G. A. Physical and mechanical properties of ammonia-treated black locust wood. Polymers, 2020, 12 (2), 377,;
  • Stanciu Mariana Domnica, Șova Daniela, Savin Adriana, Iliaș Nicolae, Gorbacheva Galina A. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Ammonia-Treated Black Locust Wood. Polymers 2020, 12(2), 377; - 07 Feb 2020. Elvetia;
  • Tudorache V. P., Minescu M., Iliaș N. Particularities related to drilling offshore wells in areas with very deep water. Neft and Gaz Journal, vol.3,  Kazahstan, 2020, ISSN: 1562-2932, Index Inspec Direct/IET din 2013;
  • Caloianu G., Marian I., Iliaş N. Analiza mijloacelor de mecanizare a tăierii cărbunelui folosite pânăîn prezent în Valea Jiului. Revista minelor nr. 7/1965;
  • Abashidze G, Iliaș N; Moraru R. The possibility of safety improvement through exogenous fire prediction in mine workings and transport tunnels,  QUALITY-ACCESS TO SUCCESS, 2019;
  • Offenberg I.Iliaș N. Geoecological monitoring in extraction process of soluble minerals from underground deposits, 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM - Conference on earth & planetary sciences, Albena Bulgaria, 28-07iulie 2019;
  • Offenberg I., Iliaș N. Geoecological monitoring using InSAR TechnologyWSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development Journal,Vol.15, Art. #12, pp: 106-112, 2019;
  • Iliaș N., Offenberg I. Black Sea oil and gas - back to the roots, Neft and Gaz Journal, vol.2,  Kazahstan, 2019, ISSN: 1562-2932, Index Inspec Direct/IET din 2013;
  • Iliaș N., Offenberg I. Geoecology in mining hazards, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 13th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Civil Engineering (EE '18), Bern, Switzerland, 20-22 December 2018;
  • Iliaș N.,Offenberg I. Geoecology in mining hazardsInternational Journal of Environmental Science, vol.3, pp. 115-120, 2018, ISSN: 2367-8941;
  • Iliaș N., Radu S. M., Andraş I., Offenberg I. Coal’s modern challenge. Eco-development or ecology, 7-th Balkan Mining Congress (Prijedor, Serbia), Book of Proceedings IIArt. #28, pp. 195-200, 2017, ISSN: 2566-3313, DOI: 10.7251/BMC170702195I;
  • Iliaș N., Radu S. M., Offenberg, I. Viitorul cărbunelui în economia României, EMERG 5. Serie nouă – Energie, mediu, eficienţă, resurse, globalizare, Anul III, 2017, Ed. AGIR, Bucureşti, pag. 175-180, ISSN: 2457-5011;
  • Iliaș N., Offenberg, I., Serafinceanu A., Teşeleanu G., Roșioru I. Tehnologii inteligente ale cărbunelui & oraşele inteligente energetic, Conferinţa ZASTR „Zilele Academiei de Ştiinţe Tehnice din România - Oraşul inteligent”, 2016, Târgu Mureş, România. Programul Conferinţei, pag: 3/7;
  • Iliaș N., Andraș I., Melczer C. M., ș.a. Specificity of Mining Technological System Development for Romanian Conditions, 19th World Mining Congress,1-5 nov. 2003, New Delhi;
  • Iliaș N., Teodorescu C., Dijmărescu I., Zamfir V, Somlo St, Surulescu O. D. Îmbunătăţirea tehnologiei de extragere și mecanizare complexă a abatajelor cameră Revista minelor nr. 7/1979;
  • Iliaș N., Magyari A., Radu S., Achim M. The results of high pressure jets used in rock cutting and in asșisted rock cutting,Proceedings of the 2nd international sympoșium on mine mechanization and automation, Lulea, Suedia 7 - 10 iunie,1993;
  • Iliaș N., Magyari A., Radu S., Achim M. Research concerning water  jets  rock  cutting and water jets asșisted rock cutting. proceedings of the 12th international  sympoșium  on  jet cutting technology, Rouen, France, 25 -  27.10, 1994;
  • Iliaș N., Magyari A., Radu S., Achim M., Radu O. Contribution to the realisation of cutters for hidromechanical road headers and long wall sharers. proceedings of the 4th international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection. Calgary, Canada 31.11 - 3.12, 1995;
  • Iliaș N., Magyari A., Achim M., Radu S. The results of the laboratory research in hydromechanical coal cutting. proceedings of the 13th international  conference  on  jeting technology, Sardinia, Italia 29 - 31.10, 1996;
  • Iliaș N., Magyari A., Andraș I., Achim M., Radu S. Data for the cutting of Romanian marble with continuous and abrazive water jets. proceedings of the 13th international conference on jeting technology, Sardinia, Italia 29 – 31.10, 1996;
  • Lanchava O., Iliaș N., Nozadze G., Radu S., Moraru R. Khokerashvili Z., Arudashvili Nino. The Impact of the Piston Effect on the Technological Characteristics of Ventilation in the Subway Tunnels. INSEMEX Publishing House, 2017;
  • Iliaş N., Andraş I., Radu S., Petrar A., Teşeleanu G. Mechanized underground coal mining to increase safety and productivity, Editura WSEAS Press, 2010;
  • Mihai G. D..Kovacs I., Nan M., Iliaș N., Andraș I., Radu S. Study on the Posibilities of Implementing a Continuous Transport System in Sal Mines, Editura WSEAS Conferences in Rodos, Grecia, 2009;
  • Tudoroiu N., Neacşu G., Letia T., Iliaş N., Tudoroiu R. The Stimulation of the Impact of the Pollution Factors on the Physical and Chemical Parameters of the Air Quality Along the Romanian Coast of Black Sea Using Neural Models, Editura International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, 2010;
  • Stanciu M. D., Curtu I., Ilias N. Fascinatia structurilor de lemn. Buletinul AGIR,nr.2/2015,p.59-65,;
  • Lanchava O., Iliaș N., Nozadze G., Radu S., Moraru R. Khokerashvili Z., Nino Arudashvili N. The Impact of the Piston Effect on the Technological Characteristics of Ventilation in the Subway Tunnels. INSEMEX Publishing House, 2017;
  • lliaș N., Magyari A., Achim M., et al.The results of the laboratory researches in hydromechanical coal cutting. Edited by: Gee, C. Conference: 13th International Conference on Jetting Technology Location: Sardinia, Italy date: oct 29-31, 1996. 13th International Conference on jetting technology book series: bhr group conference series publication, 1996;
  • Iușan V., Iliaș N., Serafinceanu A., Buioca C., Stanci A. Magnetofluidic effects usable for sensors achievement. Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 272, 2367-2369;
  • Tudoroiu N., Neacșu G., Iliaș N., Crețu V., Daniel C. The neural simulator of the pollution factors impact on the quality of the air along the Romanian coast of Black Sea Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009. IMCSIT'09. International;
  • Bălan G., Andraș I., Iliaș N., Radu S. M. New Methods of Mining Technological System’s Performance Analysis. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 789, 1317-1322;
  • Tudoroiu E. N., Radu S. M., Kecs W. W., Iliaș N., Stochastic  Optimal Control of pH Neutralisation Process in a Water Treatment Plant.  A 20-a Conferinţă  a Societăţii de Probabilităţi și Statistică din România,  28-29 aprilie 2017,  Braşov, ROMÂNIA;
  • Radu S., Radu G. A., Abaitancei H., Iliaș N., Roman G. The sonic asynchronous motor for vehicle applications.International Congress on Automotive and Transport Engineering. CONAT 2010.oct. Brasov.