
Mining Science and Technology (Russia)

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Shamil’ Kh. SULTANOV

Date and place of birth: August 30, 1974, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, USSR

Academic degree/rank: Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor

Affiliation: Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of the Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas fields, Director of the World-class Scientific Center, Head of the Department for work with dissertation councils, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU), Ufa, Russian Federation

ORCID ID0000-0003-3481-9519

Scopus ID23111853300

AuthorID: 445395


  • 1991–1996: Mining Engineer-Geologist, Specialization "Oil and Gas Geology"Mining and Petroleum DepartmentUfa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU), Ufa;
  • 2000: Cand. Sci. (Geol. and Min.), Specialty "Geology, Prospecting and Exploration of Oil and Gas Fields", BashNIPIneft, Ufa;
  • 2006: Associate Professor at the Department of Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Fields awarded by order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science;
  • 2009: Defense of the thesis for the degree of Dr. Sci. (Eng.) in specialty "Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields". The topic of the thesis: "Geotechnological foundations for regulating the development of oil fields with hard-to-recover reserves", Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU), Ufa;
  • 2018: Professor in the specialty "Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and Gas fields" awarded by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Sciences of the Russian Federation.

Area of scientific research: oil and gas field geology, development of oil and gas fields, including those with hard-to-recover reserves.

Work experience:

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU)

01.11.1999now: Department of "Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas fields". Positions: lecturer, associate professor, professor.

Educational and methodical work.

Research work: head, responsible executor of research topics on the development, justification and implementation of technologies and methods for increasing oil recovery and intensification of hydrocarbon production, as well as performing routine work on calculating oil and gas reserves, designing the development of oil and gas fields, drawing up technological development schemes and conducting author's supervision over the implementation of design solutions for large, small oil and gas, gas and gas condensate fields, including those confined to the offshore.

01.11.2020–now: Director of the World-class Scientific Center of USPTU;

24.12.2018–now: Head of the Department for work with dissertation councils of USPTU;

01.03.201101.12.2016: Head of the Technology Transfer Center of USPTU:

  • attraction of research and production contracts and grants with industry, promotion of joint initiatives between the university, industry, foundations and other organizations in the scientific and technical field;
  • formation of a package (bank) of orders for technologies and developments demanded by production;
  • information support of innovation and technology transfer;
  • advising university staff and students on intellectual property management, technology transfer (commercialization) and administration of contract (custom) R&D;
  • development of international cooperation and cooperation in the field of technology transfer, scientific and innovation, production activities.

Two diplomas of the USNTU nomination: "The most effective innovative scientific and educational center" for 2014 and 2015.

Institute for Strategic Studies of the Republic of Bashkortostan (formerly NIInefteotdacha of The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Center for Chemical Mechanics of Petroleum of The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan)

01.11.1996 - 01.10.2021:

Positions: junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher, head of the laboratory, leading researcher of the Laboratory of Oil and Gas Technologies and New Materials.

  • study of the geological structure and assessment of the oil and gas potential of promising areas;
  • assessment of initial geological reserves of hydrocarbons;
  • comprehensive geological and technological and feasibility study of the choice of systems for the development of productive formations;
  • operational control of the process of development of productive formations;
  • designing the development of landfill facilities using methods of increasing oil and gas recovery;
  • development, justification and implementation of formulations for enhanced oil recovery and intensification of hydrocarbon production;
  • comprehensive geological and technological support for the application of the method of increasing oil and gas recovery, including directly at the well;
  • operational calculation of oil and gas reserves;
  • mathematical modeling of the oil recovery process;
  • organization and control over the execution of works on technological supervision of hydraulic fracturing in the oil and gas fields of Western Siberia.

Additional information:

  • Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council at the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University;

  • Member of the Academic Council of USPTU;

  • Member of three dissertation councils for awarding academic degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences in scientific specialties: Development and operation of oil and gas fields, Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields, Mining and oil and gas field geology, geophysics, surveying, geometry of the subsoil;

  • He prepared and graduated 6 candidates of sciences (4 – technical sciences, 2 – geological and mineralogical sciences);

  • Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan (2018).

Избранные публикации:
  • Li J., Zhou X., Gayubov A., Sultanov Sh. Study on production performance characteristics of horizontal wells in low permeability and tight oil reservoirs. Energy. 2023;284:129286.;
  • Li J., Zhou X., Liu X., Gayubov A., Sultanov Sh. Cross-scale seepage characteristics of fractured horizontal wells in tight gas reservoirs. ACS Omega. 2023;8(27):24291–24301.;
  • Li J., Zhou X., Liu X., Gayubov A., Sultanov Sh. Cross-scale diffusion characteristics in microscale fractures of tight and shale gas reservoirs considering real gas – mixture – body diffusion – water film coupling. Energy. 2023;283:128469.;
  • Wei J., Zhou X., Sultanov Sh., et al. Lithofacies influence characteristics on typical shale pore structure. Energy. 2023;282:128728.;
  • Zhang D., Jin T., Hadavimoghaddam F., Zhang J., Ostadhassan M., Zhou R., Zhou X., Sultanov Sh., et al. Wettability alteration and slippage effect of adsorbed nanoparticles in tight reservoirs: A molecular simulation. Energy. 2023;229:212021.;
  • Nikiforov V. V., Sultanov Sh. H., Kotenev Yu. A., et al. Influence of facies and tectonic structure on the reservoir properties distribution. SOCAR Proceedings. 2023;(2):007–013. (In Russ.);
  • Kotenev Yu. A., Sultanov Sh. Kh., Makhnytkin E. M., et. al. Production of oil reserves from reservoirs with various facies zones. Neft'. Gaz. Novatsii. 2023;(2):41–46. (In Russ.);
  • Arefyev S. V., Shestakov D. A., Chudinova D. Yu., Kotenev Yu. A., Sultanov Sh. Kh. Reconstruction of depositional conditions and geological model updating of the lower cretaceous deposits in the northern part of the Surgut arch. Geology, Geophysics and Development of Oil and Gas Fields. 2022;(1):28–38. (In Russ.);
  • Arefiev S. V., Chudinova D. Yu., Kotenev Yu. A., Sultanov Sh. Kh. Reconstruction of the formation conditions of the vasyugan formation on the basis of the complex of grain metric analysis of terrigenic deposits. Neft'. Gaz. Novatsii. 2022;(3):32–36;
  • Nuriev A. A., Sultanov Sh. K., Shabrin N. V., et al. Assessment of the influence of rock properties on the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing in sediments of domanic age. Neft'. Gaz. Novatsii. 2022;(5):65–69. (In Russ.);
  • Kuleshova L. S., Mukhametshin V. Sh., Rabaev R. U., Sultanov Sh. Kh., et al. Evaluation and use of the productivity coefficient for development management problems solving. Socar Proceedings. 2022;(Special Issue 1):19–26. (In Russ.);
  • Nuriev A. A., Kashapov D. V., Sultanov Sh. Kh. The results of the application of the obtained coefficients of indentation of the wedging material in the design of hydraulic fracturing for source rock. The Eurasian Scientific Journal. 2022;14(1):23NZVN122. (In Russ.) URL: